
2013年8月1日 8728点热度 0人点赞 0条评论
*** Checked for currency: 10-JUL-2013 ***

Explain to customers how Oracle supports our products when running on VMware

Scope & Application
For Customers running Oracle products on VMware virtualized environments. 
No limitation on use or distribution. 

Support Status for VMware Virtualized Environments 
Oracle has not certified any of its products on VMware virtualized 
environments. Oracle Support will assist customers running Oracle products on VMware in the following manner: Oracle will only provide 
support for issues that either are known to occur on the native OS, or 
can be demonstrated not to be as a result of running on VMware. 

If a problem is a known Oracle issue, Oracle support will recommend the 
appropriate solution on the native OS.  If that solution does not work in the VMware virtualized environment, the customer will be referred to VMware for support.   When the customer can demonstrate that the Oracle solution does not work when running on the native OS, Oracle will resume support, including logging a bug with Oracle Development for investigation if required.

If the problem is determined not to be a known Oracle issue, we will refer the customer to VMware for support.   When the customer can demonstrate that the issue occurs when running on the native OS, Oracle will resume support, including logging a bug with Oracle Development for investigation if required. 

NOTE:  Oracle has not certified any of its products on VMware.  For Oracle RAC, Oracle will only accept Service Requests as described in this note on Oracle RAC and later releases.


